Did she mention a walk

Yes she did.

It was a terrible day rain wise, so we decided to do our weekly grocery shop, primarily because I had a £5 off voucher at Lidl's if I spent over £25 which I had forgotten about and which ran out today, and we decided to take Molly with us, incorporating a walk for her when we finished, lucky it had eased off a little so not so heavy when walking her. Then when we got home we decided to take the other 2 whilst we were still wet, lucky again it had  stopped raining and we got a good walk in the soggy woods. Home for a late lunch of hot pot. Then an afternoon of doing nothing very much at all. Paula watched the cycle race and I sat in the conservatory and did puzzles in my book.

Well thats another weekend over and I shall be all mixed up because I shopped today. LOL

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