Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

In among the belles

Please excuse the dreadful pun. It has been another special day. The ringing took place before and after the service with invited bands including the best in England who ring for royal events and special occasions in the main cathedrals in the UK. The church was full with around 250 attending to hear the Bishop bless the bells. The ladies of the Belle Époque made a guard of honour as we left the church. There then followed a picnic in the park with fish and chips, more Morris dancing and then English tea and cakes. This continued all afternoon while Jeff his two sons and a band of ringers successfully rang a peal of Cambridge Surprise Royal on the 10 bells in three hours. There was great cheering afterwards as this meant so much to Jeff and his sons as the bells are part of the project designed to honour the memory of Jeff’s wife who sadly died of cancer a few years ago.

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