soggy sunday

Fair to say that the garden has been getting a good soaking from the skies today! Sun one minute, downpours the next so it's been a slow day for blipping opportunities as I've not done very much!  A trip to Sainsburys first thing to stock up the cupboards, and then a bit of gardening and bunny time when the sun dared to show itself, and an afternoon of dozing on the sofa and reading!

These fruit are Chilean Guavas and I've been growing them for a few years now and they're so sweet and tasty! Apparently they were rumoured to be Queen Victoria's favourite fruit and I can see why! They taste like a sweet strawberry and have that scent too - and what is even better is that they need very little care!!  There's loads of them this year too so I'm going to be enjoying harvesting/scoffing these for a while to come!

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