Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie


I dutifully went up to church this morning, having missed the last two as I had been working - but there was nobody there. I think it must have been a joint service elsewhere. However, it was open, so I went in for some quiet prayer of thanks before heading off. This was the view coming out. We have had a fair bit of heavy rain - evident in other blippers posts as well - and it has brought down some of the early browning leaves. I guess this is my first official 'Autumn' shot. The rain has been so heavy that I wasn't sure I'd be able to get the car through one flooded road section near the stream - but I made it, and luckily the water didn't come into the seating area as  I drove through.

Today I have relaxed, tidied and cleaned. I managed to accidentally slice a good chunk off the back of my thumb fixing the shower edge.

I made my son Scotch pancakes for brunch (one of his favourites), and have pottered since - largely doing bits of reorganisation, while the rain has continued to fall outside. 

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