Flying the flag.

We started watching the Wales v Australia match this morning while we having our breakfast. J timed it to take me to the gym during half time, and Des , myself and a few others, watched the last few minutes. What a great result, and well done Wales, not that I am biased at all:-)  Did the Sprint afterwards, and my best score so far, so all good . It was raining when J met me, so we came straight home. I did some washing , and being the eternal optimist pegged it out on the line. I was back & forth I don't know how many times,and in the end gave it up as a bad job, but I did take a photo of my (many) gym towel blowing in the wind. 
We are having pork chops, roast potatoes and green beans for our evening meal, and dessert will be apple pie & cream. My mouth is watering already.

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