Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Occupational Hazard

B got himself into some trouble this morning, went to a friends for a sleepover and let his phone go dead, and I didn't have their phone number. My father in law is getting around now without his crutches after his knee replacement and has just started driving again, he was coming to collect B to help him with some jobs. I made a trip to where B was staying, curtains still closed, rang doorbell, banged on door, nothing could rouse 2 sleepy teenage boys after a late night gaming. H even guessed his passwords to skype and xbox to message his friend, still nothing (should I be proud of my girl for that?) we thought it was funny anyway.
Finally got a call about 11am, picked up,fed,and sent him off with grandad, not without a telling off first, not the first time this has happened. For once he'd taken his toothbrush though.

Getting shouted at is an occupational hazard of being a son he says.

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