With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Defend all borders

After dropping Sam off at the airport, I feel a bit overwhelmed. They're ganging up on me! With only Lego to defend myself, I may have to call in more troops.

Ben braved school, whereas Little Agu is having a little bit of a slow start after his viral afflication. He is taking it all very seriously and had to wear a sling to the plaza incase anyone saw him and thought he wasn't sick enough, (Big giggles)

I have to mention his song writing from last night. You needed to be there, but

I am a King
I eat squid
Not you, not you, not you, not you,
You're not eating my squid

or something similar with variations and a haunting four note base accompaniment.

Sam's off to sample it. Defend your eardrums. It could go viral.

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