It might not look pretty but it tasted good
Please don't judge me deanna_pearce ... lol!! I know you're Cornish, and probably never seen a "pasty" quite like this .. My excuse is I was in a hurry, not great at crimping side, or top, so went down the tray bake route. It gets worse! They did'nt have any swede for sale in Morrison's yesterday when I bought the skirt to make the pasty, forgot today, so I added butternut squash. Not sure it brought anything to the table as they say, well not apart from colour. It was tasty though :) I don't add clotted cream or chopped parsley to mine either, but I have a Cornish friend who would'nt dream of making them without adding both. The way her mother made them.
Was out G&J's by 8.15 this morning, did 21/2 hours gardening, then home for a hearty cooked brunch with hubby, sausages were awful. ( well worthy of a customer complaint. I've got 12 remaining that are not going to be eaten) next I made a couple more bead thingies, plus hung the 4 already made now that I've got extra hooks. Hubby asked if I could use a wheelbarrow as Bayz was taking one to the tip. Yes indeedy! Mine only has one handle which can make some tasks a tad tricky. Everything was going to the tip, so I dropped what I was doing, not literally, I did that earlier, & half the beads slid off the fishing tackle line onto the floor. More haste less speed. Jumped in the car, nipped down the road, loaded up with more pots with spent lilies in them. No idea what colours they are but a shame to dump them. The wheelbarrow won't go in the back of my car. Poo! My suggestion of hubby hanging onto it while sitting in the boot was'nt well received.Silly me!!! I was only joking :) lol!! Delivered the pots to the allotment, will deal with them tomorrow, weather permitting. As I lifted one of the pots out of the boot I spotted a tiny slow worm on the towel I had in the base, good job I spotted it. It's now living up on plot 29b . Should find plenty of cosy hiding places up there. Back home again, carried on with the beads for a while, then it was time to make dinner. Make some pastry. AH! No margarine. Okay! Shortcrust pastry made with virtually 100% lard should work. I added olive spread to make up the amount. It was a bit cleggy, but will be okay after a rest in the fridge. Prepped the skirt, potatoes, onions, & butternut squash. I was running out of time, opened the fridge door the bowl with the pastry came flying out onto the floor, parting ways as they went. Boing! Rescued the pastry, dusted it off, rolled it out & made a traybake pasty. Much easier. Just about to put the lid on when I get a phonecall from hubby asking if I could pick him up as it's raining and he does'nt have a jacket. Quickly got the pasty lid on, glazed, & in the oven, whizzed up the road with my taxi hat on. Back home again, I made an apple & mixed fruit sponge pud thingie. Turned out quite well even though I say so myself.
Cleared up, then Strictly started .. Kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it so in between the actual dances I dashed out and cleaned up. A quarter of the tray bake each made a perfect dinner. Don't need anything else with a pasty .. well apart from maybe sauce. I actually like mayo with mine.
Silly Saturday? Well it feels a bit like one to me. Roll on Sunday!
Thanks to admirer for hosting
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