Mr Happy (Day 1605)

After the morning woofer wander, I made my way down to Herston to give my customers a couple of pointers on how to run their new boiler. They were away when Phil and I finished the install, so they didn't get the normal handover. It seems that the boiler is working well and they are really happy with it.
On the way home, I pulled over to send a message to  my beautiful wife and found myself hijacked by a potential customer. Sign written vans are a great idea. I stopped in town to collect a few things before heading home for lunch.
I took the woofers to Lyde for a wander which they thoroughly enjoyed. Talisker was particularly happy in the van on the way home. 
I spent a bit of time tidying up the slabs outside our back door whilst I waited for the return of HV. All in all, a good day

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