Flower Box
BB expected a lift to school today. As he was running out of time to walk, I had to jump into the car and drop him off. He’s getting too used to this!!
I headed off to meet a friend at her son’s school, where they were holding a Macmillan coffee morning. It was rather too early for cake (for me anyway), so I had some lovely shortbread, while everyone else enjoyed the cake. We wandered around town for a little bit, while I waited on my boot gett6ing mended at the cobblers. Unfortunately the rain came on, so we weren’t too keen to walk much further.
After picking up some lunch, I came home in the rain, to find my washing quite damp. BB then appeared very briefly to tell me that he was going to a friend’s house. The rain got heavier and heavier, so I gave up on my plan for a run, and did some chores instead, popping out briefly when I thought the rain had abated. I was soaked when I got home.
BB braved scouts and I took the opportunity to run – about 4.5 miles and I came home with very wet feet.
Later I watched a bit of TV, but then headed to bed as I was nodding off.
I like this clever use of a disused phone box.
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