Squash and Squeeze Day

The sun has been shining on us all day. It's been apple day at the community orchard and the weather couldn't have been better. Warm, dry, still - couldn't have hoped for more at the end of September.

The blip is the 'apple library' - apples on display from an orchard about 20 miles away. The trees in the community orchard were stripped of fruit a couple of weeks ago but there have been donations of pears and apples from so many people. A couple of the orchard group went out picking yesterday if people offered unwanted fruit from their gardens and other people just turned up today with bags of apples and pears from their trees. A fruit press turned out really tasty apple and pear juice, there had been apple related baking and apple fritters were being made all afternoon. There were activities for children and all in all it was a very successful community event.

We're all sticky from fruit chopping, have been wasp magnets but what a lovely afternoon we've had.

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