Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

Re: Stacks

More of the same today. I feel the rest of the week is going to be along the same lines: Library, Gym, Eat, Sleep. Repeat

Today I spent the day with Adrian again, this time in the library which was conveniently open (who shuts a university library on a Sunday?!). Bumped into Aimee, Kate and Joe over lunch, hour in the gym before cooking up a curry and chilling on the couch with Chris and Toni.

My week has been sound tracked by the awesome Frank Hamilton. I urge you to check him out, especially if you like your music acoustic. He created his own challenge of One Song A Week last year, writing 52 songs on a variety of topics. The album Best of #onesongaweek is well worth the money and can be streamed on Spotify.

I wanted to blip Adrian today but he left before I could get his photo/ He won't escape again!

Todays blip has a story behind it, although it came about purely by chance. We were sat in the history section of the library (Adrian is doing a Masters in History) and when I jumped up to take a picture of the stacks, the Catalan book caught my eye. As part of my degree (Geography and Spanish, stupid inspired combination I know) I spent last year living in Spain and I was lucky enough to get placed in Barcelona, capital of Catalonia. I constantly find myself wishing I was back there, especially on days like today when I'm cooped up in the library. It was an incredible year, which I'll never forget. Catalonia will always have a special place in my heart and I cant wait to get back there as soon as possible so I can see my friends and walk the streets I know so well. Barcelona esta en mi corazón, siempre.

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