Get Ready for.......Autumn

Our friends Nicola and Stewart came round this afternoon.  We prepared an Italian lunch, to show our anti-Brexit support, of cannelloni with roasted veg (peppers, tomatoes, courgettes, red onions with garlic and lots of herbs).  Served with bruschetta and garlic bread; pudding was tiramisu. Only the beer was British.....none of that Europenan rubbish!!!

We spent a nice afternoon chatting and drinking coffee whilst the rain came and went.

Later Ann and I took a quick trip to Nero for a drink.  Henley Street and the nearby area are decked out with flower baskets, as they are most years, Britain in Bloom I guess.  This little display outside the Aga shop made me think that soon it will be time to start using the wood burner again :-)

Thanks to Biker Bear for hosting today's Flower Friday. 

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