Hands Aglow
Evening all,
Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand - Thomas Aquinas
Busy day.....in after nightshift then off to M-in-law....kitchen being ripped out and new one fitted tomorrow, I was negotiator as it had been planned with cooker in mind now it was oven and hob. New unit for said items on there way for tomorrow's fitting.
Visit to Mamma (our adopted Mum) who isn't doing so well so I went armed with photo's and a story....when I left she was in great spirits and professing a great visit .....;0)
Then we popped in to see Mini G.... Such a bundle of fun......;0)
Home now, feet up, fed, watered, chilling ;0)
Round Two tomorrow lol ;0)
Have a great day ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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