A fairly quiet day today. Rainy morning. Dry afternoon - but cloudy and dull with no sunshine. I walked down to the village to collect my repeat prescription. Caught up with some TV viewing this afternoon.
This evening I went to visit my brother John and sister in law Virginia. Virginia came here to pick me up at 7.30pm. Had a lovely evening. John brought me home around midnight.
The Abstract challenge theme today is 'crop and rotate' ( spot something abstract looking, make a shot of it and then make it even more abstract by cropping it and/or rotating it. ) When I was out this afternoon I spotted a large fungus in the back lane so took a shot which I rotated and cropped. The original photo is in my Extras. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.
Musical link Gathering MUSHROOMs- by Clannad.
No comments from me this evening - toooooo tired. Night Night.
Steps today - 7,881
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