Checking the reflection (Day 1603)

The morning woofer wander was very wet and very windy. The dogs didn't seem to mind, but I could have done without the soaking. 
I headed for town a bit later, zoomed around a few places running some errands, then headed to a customer's house. They wanted a basin tap and waste changed, and an outside tap fitted. The heavy rain meant the outside tap will have to wait for another time, but I spent a fair while sorting the basin out. 
I was back at home for a late lunch with my beautiful wife and a wander with the woofers at Lyde. The weather forecast was for the rain to disappear and the wind to drop, and as we wandered the weather did improve a fair bit. We could have done without the waterproofs.
A bit later on we got organised for a trip through to Stromness to collect Jeepers, then through to the riding school in town for HV to have a lesson with the riding club. Jeepers spent a while making sure he looked good before mixing with the rest of the horses. 
Extra of HV caught in the act of introducing a cat to Jeepers. Neither of them were impressed....

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