
This is Abbiedog doing her bit for the environment, she spotted a plastic bottle floating in this wee boat and wanted to grab it and take it home. Yes my dog is very climate aware, she's been watching that wee Greetinface Thunderbugger on tv  going her length about climate change! I have absolutely  no doubt that she fervently believes what she is doing is right and that something needs to be done but hey, I'm a bit cynical!
I remember walking on our island beach when I was about ten and you couldn't walk five yards without stepping on glass bulbs, fluorescent tubes, Dutch milk carton with blue cows on them and all other manner of plastic. Now 50 years later I can walk on the same beach and not see a single light bulb, our beaches are now beautiful  and un polluted . Yet I fear this youngster with her monobrow is being somewhat exploited! If one reads into mummy & daddy Thunderbuggers background, you hear rumour they have a lot of big environmental money backing them! Who knows!That's not necessarily bad but makes me suspicious as there's millions to be made on environmental technologies. However I think wee Greetinface should be lecturing the likes  of the big mining companies in the Congo. Cobalt is a necessary evil for your new electric cars yet is mined by kids much younger than wee Greetinface and is a major pollutant of the surrounding area as is gold, tin and tantalum mining! Why isn't she lecturing them! Indeed one of the biggest cobalt mine owners is a Swiss company! They keep their own country nice and neat and clean but are happy to bugger up other countries and use kids for labour!
AS for Greetinfaces epic voyage across the Atlantic to New Yoik , her PR were busy telling that the entire crew had to shit in a bucket! Did they keep all that shit in an Oor Wullie bucket until they reached the Big Apple? or did they cowp it overboard, and as for their food, it was all that scienctific stuff wrapped in tinfoil! where did that all end up?
I worry that this kid will have a meltdown with all the pressure she's under! She should be just like Abbiedog and stick to picking up plastic bottles!

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