Needed an umbrella today . . . short and very sharp showers. The World Cycling Championships struggled to keep upright. However this umbrella would have proven poor . . . I decided to get some lighting gear out and learn a little about flashing !
PERSONAL RANT . . . I cannot find the words to describe how much I worry about my growing Grandson in this World today. A quote from a stranger . . . to feel safe one has to have confidence that there is a basic level of fairness and honesty in political system. I no longer feel safe . . . neither do I, especially when I read what UK schools are going to teach their youngest children about Human Relationships. Anti-social media is ruining this World . . . the UK is a laughing stock . . . and I wonder where it will all end . . . Bring Back The Boro Three . . . I will explain at a later date for those who do not understand.

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