Adolf Hitler's manifesto.

No  Des at the gym today because he had to work. I took  my headphones in and listened to the guy who thought up the Sprint8 program. I thought it would give me more of an incentive, but it did the opposite,.and I didn't do as well as I usually do.  When I can see Des's little legs peddling like the clappers alonside,  that seems to give me a better incentive, but never mind, I did it. I walked into town and had a look in the antique shop window, and as this was the only photo I took, it will have to do.I think it will be there for some time.I went to Boots to see if they had any  pink Migraleve tablets, and I was glad to see they did, so I bought a large packet. I caught the bus home, and J arrived not long afterwards. We decided to do the food shop in Sainsbury's for a change, but I wasn't that impressed. so I doubt I will going back for quite some time.

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