
By misterbee

No camera shocker

Disappointed, actually no, GUTTED I didn't transfer the camera to my casual dress Friday bag for work (thats not sounding good is it). Felt very strange not having it with me even if my regular daily blipping is in its infancy.

Blips I could have got:

- Furry frost on grass and small shrubs at 0740 this morning
- Briiliant sun drenched afternoon stroll around Princes St Gardens
- Fantastic low sun on way back to the train - after a couple of beers after work...

The ones that got away eh - I could have been a contender etc...

Anyway - blip filler for today - Mrs B tells me that banana cake is so easy to make and bake. It's easy to eat too and will probably have several of these pieces in the next 48 hours.

Even better as the bananas came from Asda woops's last night.

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