Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

European Oyster Opening Competition

I spent a couple of hours today at a food fair, called "Passion for food", and it was really, really great! I've tasted lots and lots of cheese and olive oil and meats and fruits and beer and wine and seafood and fish and bread and balsamic vinegar and even some of a bottle of beer that was one in 8000 distributed internationally (and it was really good too!). I brought home gruyere cheese, a wheat sourdough baguette, a rye sourdough bread, smoked ham, bonfetta salami (yum!), Marqués de Valdueza olive oil (yum yum - definately a favourite of mine) and some proper balsamic vinegar (expensive drops, but oh so sweet and wonderful!). Let's just say I've had neither a proper lunch nor dinner today :)

The European Oyster Opening Competition was held at the food fair today. The final four consisted of one Swede, two Irishmen and one Frenchman. The French guy was the fastest, but I didn't stay to hear the final result (the judges gives bonus points for presentation amongst other things and have some deliberation to do before the winner can be announced). I'll just have to read the result in the paper tomorrow instead :) (Or on the internet now! Now, why didn't I think of that earlier??)
There we go, the winner is Michael Moran from Ireland! He opened 30 oysters in 2 minutes and 40 seconds... wheeeee!

Above is, apart from the backdrop behind the contestants, oysters ready to be scrutinized by the judges.

All in all, a very nice Friday!

Another backblip from the trip posted: Wedding day

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