Old Age!

You know you are getting old when you have to buy a calander with big numbers!
Back to work today and hit the ground running. Got most of my to do list ticked off, long may this flurry of activity continue!
Hubby looking for some damn computer disc or something. You can be sure when I have tidied the house he starts looking for probably the very thing I have chucked out! And while Im on the subject of blokes! why when you say something is at the head of the sofa ....do they look in the opposite end almost every time! Its in the top drawer! ok so there are two top drawers but he has lived h ere long enough to know which one has what in it! Its in the cupboard, yes you guessed, he looks in the wrong one, happens every time, my son does the same. Its obvioulsy a man thing. Put the butter behind the cheese in the fridge and they would starve! I have the most horrible feeling the thing he is looking for is what I chucked into the lost souls bunker outside! but I will wait till he has gone away before venturing out to look!
No thank God it wasnt there either though the other night could I find a pair of head phones , now I have 4! Its probably languishing under a bed!

Update hah! I found it...Round one to us ladies then
Happy blipping all

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