Churn Stand

Today I have been mostly studying churn stands - well someone has to, they're fast disappearing. As part of my mission to record all interesting things on the peninsula or thereabouts I have turned my attention to milk stands - who knew they were so interesting! If you are riveted more about them can be found here . Bascially farmers put their churns of milk here where they were either served by a mobile creamery or taken to an established creamery. Here the milk was separated, the cream being turned into butter and the skim being returned to the famers for feeding their pigs. There are loads of stands gently crumbling away but this is a very fine one, nicely restored with a posh information board and a little plaque. It was built by local farmers in 1950 and didn't cease being used until 1986.
The churns are interesting (they are!!) as the two types are nicely shown. The cyclindrical one on the left is the earliest one and could hold 17 gallons, the smaller mushroom headed one was introduced in the 1930s and could hold 10 gallons. Fascinating eh! Well the weather has got even worse, something useful had to be done before cabin fever sets in, and I even braved a soggy field trip.
Ceridwen has also been recording milk churns her end - interesting to see the differences.

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