
By lynnjones7186


We enjoyed another spicy korean chicken dinner.  Outside the restaurant there is a fresh fruit stall, they were advertising 3 tiny pineapples for 50 baht, we decided that they would make a lovely addition to breakfast.  However, what we didn't know was that the stall owner actually chopped the fruit up so it could be consumed straight away, the beautiful sweet fresh pineapple, therefore, became our dessert.  Hubby was doing the paying and as I was waiting for him the young lady from the Chinese restaurant came over for a chat. She was surprised that we would have fresh fruit for breakfast as most Thai people have noodles for breakfast.  We also discussed som tam, which is a spicy papaya salad,  it was agreed that it wasn't really a salad as it usually very spicy.  Her restaurant was very quiet and most of the staff were outside and we exchanged waves with them.  It's lovely to feel so accepted by the local community. 

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