δημοκρατία Τρίτη

Normally known as Tρακτέρ Τρίτη but for this Tuesday, Democracy wins the day. One of those days where I hope my grandchildren will in 20 years time ask "Where were you on the day, UK finally realised they could be democratic & they always had the sovereign power over it".

I think even my grandson Elliot will now take a liking to spiders.

Eleven very sensible & learned persons have hopefully turned a new chapter in the history of the UK today. A history which was heading to its conclusion on the 21st August (I last Bliped on 20th). I watched the UK's PM on his first "foreign" visit after 29 days in office, arrive in Berlin to meet Angela Merkel. It was clear something momentously bad was on its way.

I stopped Bliping & every day since have been virtually 24/7 waging a crusade against the fascist, bigots & liars of Brexit. This was largely on Twitter, the worst awful place anyone should be involved in. If you haven't been there, don't go there. And just as the crusades were a seemingly pointless exercise, so is my contribution to the cause. But I have NO other weapon - I have no money to donate, can't physically stand outside Parliament, the huge "Stop Brexit" (thanks Nigel) sticker in my car back window isn't getting quite the mileage/kilometrage footprint it would in Essex but if through just one of my Tweets, I get one single "doubter" to change to a Remainer, then I have done my duty to Queen & Country but above all my grandchildren & the youth of UK & Europe.

I do apologise to all Blip members. I have noted & fully accept the criticism. I don't expect pardon. I can only beg for understanding. You were all on my minds this last "lost" month, I took my daily photos & will now try to keep up to date while back-blipping the missing 30+ days.

Tonight I treated myself to a whole bottle of Muscadet all to myself in order to celebrate. Some will have seen my Tea, Fortnums & Col McKintosh Blips in the past, some my 1990 Blip of the Thinker, a cheap tourist souvenir given to me on my birthday in Sept 1990 by a (still) friend, a Lord of the land, member of the House of Commons & a Brexiter. My one wish for today would be to have had - as always - a good chat about recent events.
Prost Jeffrey!

And in good old Blip tradition, include as an extra, Farmer Fröhlich (Happy) out mowing fresh grass /geotag) for his stable-bound girls. He's a part-time dairy farmer, our parish council head handyman employee who normally drives around in his big smart company Fendt but can't use it for private purposes. He's still in his orange work kit.

He's one of only 4 or 5 of the 10 or so dairy farmers in the village who still bother to mow grass daily, most having gone over to silage 7/365. He is also the only one I know who sends his young bulls/oxen away for the summer to live free on an alp pasture. I know that if he could, he would have his girls out on meadows every single day of the year that was possible.

PS I will probably keep switching comments off/on while I back blip. I know it is very confusing! Sorry.

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