Broon Leaves

A windy day again, with mist and low cloud.  It was dry until teatime, and then torrential rain for a while.  Dried up again for the time being. 

Another day working on the museum desk.  A quieter day after yesterday, but still a lot of visitors about.  Popped down to mam's after tea, and poor Sammy only got a runaround in the rain, no weather for walkies!  Been to the hospital to visit a friend this evening, and then off to work in the pub later. 

A fairly dull day, all day, and now the trees are starting to look dull too.  We never really get much of an autumn up here.  When the leaves on the trees start to change colour, they usually get burned by the wind, and then quickly blown off the trees in the next gale to come along.  These horse chestnuts seem to be hanging on to the brown leaves for now.  Looking down Houl Road, Scalloway . 

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