An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A blue sky (and Skye) day...


Woke up to a bright sunny morning.  Fitted the mood perfectly.

Started our holiday by having breakfast at the golf club then set off for Skye, on the first leg of our travels to Harris and Lewis.

Took the scenic route past Loch Earn to Crianlarich, Bridge of Orchy, Glencoe, Ballachulish, Fort William, Spean Bridge, Invergarry and Kyle of Lochalsh.

I was full of great intentions to take lot of photographs on the journey, particularly at Glencoe, but this proved difficult for three reasons...

One, the sun was far too bright and strong and every shot I wanted to take was looking into the sun.  Very challenging.  Secondly, the route was really busy, with any parking spaces jam packed by the time we were passing.  Thirdly, Sharon had messaged me saying Anna and Faith were really looking forward to seeing us, so we wanted to be at their house on Skye early enough to have time to spend with the girls before their dinner and bed time.   

As a result, nearly all the shots taken on the journey were drive by shootings (I felt as though we whizzed through Glencoe!)  

The speed of travel, the harsh sunshine and having my 24-105mm lens on the camera (I hate it but thought I'd give it another go as it performed well at Esme's cake smash, but no, I still hate it!) mean the shots I did take are nothing more than holiday snap shots, but at least they will bring back happy memories of the journey.

So we battered on up the road, stopping only at Fort William for a late lunch then for a few minutes at Eilean Donan Castle, which was also mobbed.  A car pulled up beside ours and a middle aged American couple got out.  Their accents sounded New York.  

The man stood a few feet from me taking photos, all the while his wife fired questions at him in a very loud voice....wouldn't you be better on the shore?  You might get a better shot from the bridge.  Why don't you go to the other side of the castle?  Do you want to change lens?  Each time he answered her very patiently I wanted to punch her!  Finally she went quiet for about two minutes, then clearly bored said, "how you doin' there Frank?" and to my amusement he replied "Doin' good thanks.  You?" as he carried on snapping away.  Jeez all those miles travelled only to be constantly heckled when stopping at one of Scotland's most iconic landmarks to take photos!   

There was also (I assume) a professional photoshoot taking place by the water's edge that involved a large, topless,  middle-aged man wearing a kilt standing in various poses whilst a photographer shot him from all angles and an assistant waved a reflector about.  The mind boggles.

Back in the car and next stop Skye.

We last visited Skye in 1987 when we were 20!  Back then we had to go over the sea to Skye by ferry, but of course today we scooted over the bridge.  

We got to Sharon and Lewa's to be greeted by hugs and kisses from Anna and shy smiles from Faith.  Faith was just on the verge of walking when we saw them at Easter and now she is running around.

We passed over the children's belated birthday gifts, before enjoying dinner together and Anna and David had fun taking selfies.  

As we sat enjoying our surroundings the sun got lower and lower and the room turned shades of lilac and orange.  When I looked out their lounge window the site in extras greeted me.  What a view to have from your living room.  I would have to be prized away!

After our early rise and long drive we were fairly early to bed, astounded that it was still so warm outside we slept with the window wide open and the quilt off the bed!

 I feel asleep to the sound of silence broken only by a sheep bleating gently in the distance.  Bliss.

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