POG's Journal


Back to School…

My Day:
I’ve had quite a busy day today… one of the conversations at the pub on Saturday was about cycling coaching… I used to do quite a bit with my mate pre 2013.

I did the British Cycling level 2 training course back in 2006 but never handed in my coursework as I was of the view I wanted the knowledge not the certificate… your status was left as a trainee coach and you were still covered by all the insurances, etc. so no real problem.

A couple of years ago the trainee coach status disappeared, which was not a problem as I was not helping my mate on a Friday night anymore.

Well a few beers down the road on Saturday I agreed to start helping out again… so I booked myself on a British Cycling level 2 training course in 2 ½ weeks’ time. To be able to do the course you need a first aid certificate, so I’m doing that on Friday and you need a DBS check which I have completed all the paperwork today…

Accommodation is booked as the first part of the course is two days and in Watford. I guess with my recent cycling experiment the following statement is true. “Those who can do and those who can't teach

A drinks to wet without one…

More tomorrow,


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