Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12


I took of to Gent today for 2 reasons. Wanted to see the photo exhibition "circle of life" by a famous Belgian photographer  ¨ Lieve Blanckaert". She has done a big project which took 10y on the stages of life , birth ,old age and dead. She has gone to different countries throughout the world and made about 50.000 photographs. Out of those pics she chose 400 photos for her exhibition. It was quite impressing . The photographer was there to sign her book , which i bought , and besides had a nice talk with her.
Something i didn t know , it was car free sunday in Gent and i took a long long walk from the station till the docks. Amazing how peacefull acity feels without the carsI choose the above pic because i felt like the old lady is caring for a child and the dog looks really sweet.

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