
My Dear Fellow and Dear Princess,

I don't buy clothes for myself. I haven't for years. I mean, what would be the point? Clothes are always arriving in the post, and Caro seems to enjoy ordering things for me. I just go with it. 

The latest thing is a pair of trousers. Caro was very proud of them, "They are waterproof and stretchy," she said. So she was somewhat disappointed when I was too fat for them. They wouldn't zip up at all.

Fortunately, I've lost a bit of weight these past few weeks so I was able to give them a go today. They got the seal of approval from Caro, but I have reservations. They do seem VERY tight. The stretchy material clings to my legs and I wonder what they look like to other people. Especially from behind. For me, it feels like I am capering about in a pair of tights, like a Shakespearean actor or a hey-nonny folk singer.

I daren't even think about what they might be doing to the meat and two veg. I might need to wear oversize t-shirts with them for a while until I'm more comfortable.

Apropos of nothing, this flax flower was attached to a lamp-post this morning. I don't know why it was there, but I thought it was rather nice.


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