
By patrona

Cathedral of the Empordá

I make no excuse for copying and pasting the explanation from Wikipedia, far too tedious to type it all out again.

The medieval town of Castello D'Epordá is at the midpoint between Figueres and Roses and approximately 4 km from the Gulf of Roses. The river Muga flows south through Castelló into the sea, passing by the Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, a protected area noted for its abundant migratory bird population. Many roads lead to Empúries, and many of these routes pass through flat rural areas, by fields and vineyards or along ponds and beach, or along the Muga and the Aiguamolls. Castelló began to flourish in the 11th century and rose to become an important economic centre. The Counts of Empúries made it their residence and 7 monasteries can be found in the area around the town. The landmark of the small town, visible for afar, is the parish church Santa Maria which is often called the "cathedral of the Empordà" because of its size and gothic influence architecture. The powerful square bell tower comes from an older roman building and the second tower remains unfinished. The building of the church begun in the 14th Century and the façade was begun at the beginning of the 15. Century. It is one of the few gothic churches located in a rural area.

Characteristic is the step portal decorated with plaster figures, the Apostle figures on both sides and the mother of God with child and the holy 3 kings in the Tympanum. The main ship rests on slim columns, which evolve into a strained arched vault. The transept arms are only a little lower than the main nave, so that a large area is encompassed, rounded off by the choir and the Apses with their pointed elbow and slim tracery windows. The splendid flamboyant high altar is a masterpiece of detailed plaster forms. The work, begun in 1485 by Vicenç Borràs, carved from alabaster stone, shows scenes from the life of Jesus. The central figure is the mother of God under a splendorous crowned canopy. The accompanying towers are typical gothic architectural elements and make the viewer to look up toward the sky. This splendid altar was reconditioned and cleaned.

There, we are. Seriously wonderful church to visit, very impressive, and do make a point of admiring the 18th C. organ which has 59 registers on 4 manuals ( someone will translate that for me, I am sure) which has been restored after being damaged in the civil war.

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