
By DonnaJane

Hidden treasures

My sister and I found this carefully coloured matchbox in an old wooden box in my dad's shed when we were clearing it out after he died the year before.

Inside nestled amongst some pieces of well handled cotton wool we found a badge and a small aeroplane... treasured relics from dad's boyhood past tucked away for safe keeping.

A quick search on the internet revealed they hailed from the WW2 period when my dad would have been at primary school. SPF stood for Schools Patriotic Fund and were a way for children to contribute to the war effort. Badges were awarded for the donations of silver paper, scrap metal, aluminium pots and pans, glass and old rubber tyres to be later recycled and were worn with pride. Further collections earned a bar. Dad had six bars on his badge....not surprising really..his recycling efforts continued until he became unwell. The aeroplane was a higher award apparently.

Today this little box with it's hidden treasures sit amongst the bibs and bobs of my daily life on my Nana's chest of drawers in my bedroom. I like them there...having a little piece of that proud little boy from so long ago always nearby.

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