a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Wotton Blues Festival 2019

3 shots culled from the 350 (or thereabouts) shots that I took today at the Wotton-Under-Edge Blues Festival.  

It has been a delightful day - I've been spoiled.  Not only was I with my sister Janet and her husband Incredibish, but we were also joined by my brother Brentastic (who is also on Blip, although not as prolific as Mark and I).  

Bren lives in the States so it is truly a rare thing for us all to be together. If you check out Mark's journal you will find a picture of the 3 of us.  Mark has spent some time today comparing what his new toy - one of the latest generation of I-Phones - can do compared with his Canon DSLR.  The phone is a very sexy piece of kit and much more portable than the Nikon D850 with a 70-200mm lens.   But, having put the time into trying to learn how to drive this particular Nikon combination I cannot imagine wanting to give it up any time soon. Having said that, as I sit here typing this entry I am all too aware of my sore shoulders courtesy of the camera and a bag of heavy glassware.  If someone were to come along with a lighter body and lens combination with similar abilities I would be very tempted!

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