At my friend’s house

Whirlwind of a day.

Cleaning job (covering for someone else) then on to my evening job. I ended up losing it at three managers. The first one called me (age 53) and my colleague (40) ‘girls’. I had already told her that I don’t like being called a girl in the workplace a couple of months ago, also had similar conversations with other managers previously. Ten minutes later another more senior manager did the same thing, so I had to be really restrained, but tell her that calling us ‘girls’ is inappropriate in the workplace. The third manager then asked how I was. For a millisecond I thought about just saying I was fine, but by then I was fuming, and just unleashed a ten minute rant saying that in a manager/employee situation it is insulting to call someone a ‘girl’, that it is belittling, and says that all my life experiences count for nothing, that the poster on the wall asks us to treat each other with respect, that I shouldn’t have to keep repeating myself and that, yes, I would like it mentioned at the next managers’ meeting.

Then off to see a few friends, where I was blown away by one of their children’s singing. Beautiful.

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