After a far too late night catch up with Mr B (5am? How did we have so much to talk about?) a rather sleepy SooB stumbled around the market for the necessary. After an afternoon nap, some rushed baking to get together the desserts for dinner at Cheeselady's. This is the fruit element which, with pavlova and chocolate brownies on offer was strangely not touched!
Lovely evening, raclette by candlelight under the trees with the cicadas chirruping. Excellent company too. They are both people with a very open outlook on life and a wide range of interests (I was not expecting such an in depth conversation on European seabirds) and with both the grown ups speaking reasonable English I don't have to spend the whole night translating for Mr B. Their son is soon heading off to start a rodeo career. I warned my two not to get any ideas.
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