
By DrSandy

Twinkling in the sunlight

Pretty much everything is now blossoming....

The exception is the apricot tree, it's decided to forgo blossoms and just do leaves.  I guess when you're old, it's your perogative to do what you like, and leaves is good thinking.   Leaves = dinner.

Any how...........

As I was hanging out the washing, the sun was lighting up, the peach blossoms, thought it would make a great blip.

PS.  The start to our morning was not all sunshine and roses, Mom's first words to me...................... I HAD GIVEN HER MY COLD.  And my coughing, had kept her awake ALL NIGHT. 

The coughing story, prompted a visit to Clicks (pharmacy) to get some cough mixture.  Lucky for me, I  understand what is in them, got myself one with an opioid in = cough suppressant.  Getting it, took forever = it's scheduled.  And it cost a fortune = R 80.

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