Matriculation Examination test in English language
Emma had her first Matriculation Examination test today! It was English language test and it was digital examination. Emma used 5,5 hours / 6 h and seemed to be quite happy with it.
Candidates’ laptops are connected to the server via a local network which is not connected to the Internet. Candidates get the test questions and attached materials via a browser which connects to the test system. After the test, candidates’ answers are sent to the Matriculation Examination Board’s web service where they are marked and scored first by teachers and then by the Board’s censors.
The examination is held biannually, in spring and in autumn, simultaneously in all Finnish upper secondary schools. Emma's plan is to do the rest of the tests in spring 2020 and autumn 2020.
All Emma's English study materials are digital, except this one prep book in the photo she lent from her cousin.
+9°C, cloudy
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