
By Wildwood

Stars and Stripes... location. OilMan remembered to bring most of the large collection of stars we had collected and hung on the barn. He left three large ones because they looked so good there. I didn't think we'd find anyplace to put them at the White House (although the idea of mitigating the resort look appealed to me.) In the end we decided they look quite good on the one fence that's not painted white!

I got some strange looks as I was photographing the carts stacked up in front of the market today. I got more strange looks as I lurked around the cheese counter inside. I was tempted to photograph a large section of nothing but different kinds of salt, but decided to wait for another day.

I forgot my camera this morning when the puffy white clouds were stacked up around the hills across the valley, so I also missed the man with two huge St Bernards and an equally huge mastiff on leads. The St Bernards were staring at a retriever across the street and the mastiff was equally interested in something in the bushes on the other side of the street. It was a canine version of the rack as the hapless man tried to bring them all to heel.

So many opportunities, so little inspiration....

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