Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

RPS Documentary Group (Northern)

It must be a year since I made an appearance at this group. Last November I had my knee operation and was out of driving any distance for weeks. Then we had the leak and the house was populated with workmen for months. Then I was away when there was a meeting. That's how the time goes by.

I was delighted to make it to Kibblesworth today. Several members, including me, showed work. I had digital images to show, but I'm very keen to have prints by next time.

Here is Mark, who I know from other groups. It was his first time at the meeting but he brought along a fine set of mono prints. His works is very interesting. Like me, he uses Platinum Baryta for most of his mono work. We sat together and had a good chat. I previously knew nothing about his family, and I'm glad we had the talk.

Back home and I'm packing a suitcase for a walking weekend in Moffat. Sharon will be staying with Mum. Lots to do before I'm ready to go, so must get to it.

PS I seem to have no ill effects after walking yesterday. Hooray again!

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