life rafts

I've recovered from the accident so much that I can often get through the day without stimulant (Red Bull or coffee) but then I get home and crash on the couch and fall asleep and can't think of anything to say on blip. If, like yesterday, I say nothing, it is either that I'm very tired or that I had a totally boring day. 

I had a good day today. Despite what follows - I had a good day. 

Business is bad. We need to turn it around or people will be laid off. We lost a proposal I worked on. People are ok now, but in periods of stress like this, in other companies, people get ugly. I like it here. 

Also, someone shared something awful with me. I'm changing the story:

She was swimming and swimming and swimming and nearly drowning and nearly drowning, for years, and in the middle of the ocean, out of nothing, she finally built a life raft, and a man she thought she could trust set it on fire. With nothing to put the fire out, with no resources, she had to watch her life raft burn. 

I cried. 

There are people who have lived such easy, carefree lives that they cannot envision ever murdering someone. The notion appalls them. 

I borrowed a drill from Facilities because I forgot to bring my own and I wanted to hang my new picture. I realized that I must look very interesting with this drill and this cup of coffee so I asked a co-worker to take a picture. 

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