Lala's Journal

By Lala

Chatham Dockyard Team Outing

Having played host to the Learning team from the Dockyard a couple of weeks ago, it was out turn to go there today. They did us proud with a guide and tours of both the submarine Ocelot and the Ropery, including full demo of rope making.

For me, the best part was the submarine. Mr L and the boys have all been aboard her many years ago, but I was always child minding younger ones outside. I never realised how small it is inside one of these huge looking vessels, but 70 crew living and working aboard with no washing facilities, and as she was operational in the 60s each crew member was allocated two beers a day, plus cigarettes, the smell must have been horrendous!

We also saw the new exhibition, which I’m still not sure about, some of it was tacky, some fabulous and informative, and some too long, especially for children. It was a good day however and we all enjoyed it. I shall start thinking about doing a trip somewhere else in a quiet time.

The collage shows a huge model of the Victory, the Ropery (quarter of a mile long) and our after visit treat in Creams, my banana burrito crepe. Thank you Stalker!

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