Tom & Ollie the STAR pugs

This afternoon we went to see Steve (Ann's ex boss) and Tom & Ollie the STAR pugs.

OMG! Just how hyper are they? They zoomed around all over the office chasing me and to be honest I didn't really want to be chased because I had found one of their 'tuggy toys' and I just wanted to be left in peace to chew it.

Ann wanted us all to sit nicely for my Blip but do you know what? …................Those naughty little pugs are more hyper than I am. Eventually Ann told Steve that he'd have to be in the Blip because the naughty little pugs just wouldn't sit still.

It was lovely to see the pugs this afternoon but to be honest I preferred playing with their toys to playing with them. Lol, lol, lol.

PS – I know that 'advertising' is against the BLIP rules but if any of you lovely Blippers in St Ives want to hire linen or need a cleaner/maintenance person/rubbish remover /laundry washer, STAR are your people. 3 years ago Ann was their 'office adminstrator/PA'. She joined the company almost as soon as it began and she always knew that Steve (the MD) would end up as the Sir Alan Sugar of St Ives. Lol, lol, lol!!!

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