Parents' evening... Lauri's school. Started with the school band (in the blip), then headmaster's speech and finally homeroom teacher's part of the program.

Along with the day being Jussi's birthday and Petteri coming home, the parents' evening was one of the good things of the day. Unfortunately, the bad things were quite bad.

My van repair wasn't successful. The other end of the hose (which I changed the day before) popped off soon after leaving for town. Maybe better that I didn't get far, easier to get back home!

Practically at the same time Lauri's scooter stopped running a couple of kilometres ahead. I fetched the car, we got the scooter locked up at the local flower shop (good luck it was so close!), took him to school and then drove to a repair shop to discuss about the rake's gearcase problem. No easy solution found, unfortunately.

Had lunch back home, then off by bike to repair the van. Got it home and was going to get the scooter home with it when the hose popped off again! I realized that I had installed it wrong the first time, but can't understand what went wrong the second time. Finally fetched the scooter with tractor.

So, at the end of the day the rake is no closer to ready, the van is broken again and the scooter is broken. Oh well.

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