Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Non working day

Lovely sun out this morning, breaking through the rooftops and lighting up the trees :)

Lili so happy chasing a ball once a day :)

WI today. No speaker, they had swishing (you bring an item of clothing to sell, take home if not sold). Then after coffee it was armchair yoga - stretching quite a few areas that have been dormant and relaxing other areas. Might try and find a yoga or Pilates group to join :)

On to AJ - dental appointment today followed by food shopping. Struggling at the moment to source a soap dish with holes in to drain the water and a hairbrush that is soft - but we will get there. :)

Back home, should have done ironing, but it was 3:30 when I got home, had lunch and then relaxed ........ another day then.

Happy anniversary to our son and daughter-in-law on their 3rd wedding anniversary :x)


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