Wet Wet Wet
Having arrived home in the dark yesterday, it was this morning before we opened the shutters at the back to have a look at the garden. And it is all rather wet. It appears rather as though it has poured with rain every day since we left. Today, it was just dull and damp feeling. But it all puts an end to my hopes of getting all the long grass strimmed and a start made on my proper veg garden...
A slow, quiet day of sorting, cleaning, washing and re-acquainting ourselves with the rules of living in a freezing cold house (slippers, hot water bottles, filling the paraffin stoves and CLOSE THE DOOR). Also, rather annoyingly, a day of feeling a bit rubbish about everything I tried to achieve. Having been told I was a bad parent (and not just by the kids) I proved myself to be a bad cook by woefully undercooking roast pork. At least the roast potatoes were a triumph.
As New Year is always so busy, I never have time for that reflection that inspires New Year Resolutions (apart from 'drink more water') but today has allowed me that space. So, after a long period of feeling pathetically and martyrishly under-appreciated, I resolve to take my strength from appreciating myself and take any outside appreciation as a bonus, never to be relied on or sought. I feel this is a lesson that I could have benefited from learning a lot earlier in my life. I'm trying to pass it on to my kids: by always asking "well, are YOU happy with it? Yes? Then that's what you need to know." (Obviously I tell them I think whatever they've done is brilliant too, but I think I'm making headway with them using their own judgement on their own efforts.) I'm not sure I'm far enough along the line with this new approach to make much sense with it. Let's see how it goes.
Today's wander around the garden showed that some creature has nibbled away the lettuces that had escaped from under the protective fleece, but that's ok - they were mostly done with anyway. The brussells sprouts have a grand total of six sprouts, with the other plants seeming to have developed a large cabbage like head but no sprouts. And we have one anemone flower ready to burst out with the next spot of sunshine.
Though this shot was bright and sparkly in colour, the monochrome suits my mood better.
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