
Strange inverted cloudage over the Mizen - it was changing by the minute, hard to capture its subtlety but I think I have caught a cloud of midges as well! By lunchtime it had cleared and was suddenly hot and sunny and now it's rolled in again. I've just had a swim, rather nice, and accompanied by a lone swan making odd soothing honking noises, I think he wanted to communicate - in a good way.

And who recommended the book Country by Michael Hughes to me - was it you PaulaJ? I thought I'd just have a quick browse - riveted! I cant put it down - cleaning the bathroom -forget it; sweeping up the bramble cuttings - forget it; writing a blog- forget it! Gosh it's good - the end of the Troubles in Ireland, heading towards the Good Friday Agreement - with an extra twist - all based on the Iliad! And very darkly funny.

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