Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I was back in Bellingham for the last day of Baafest today.

I was just in time for the singing workshop with Fiona Lander of Landermason. That was great fun and we sang well.

Then it was concerts all afternoon and evening. The festival site is very compact so there is no problem about missing what you want to hear. The acts were terrific. It's hard to single any out, but I was very keen to hear the wonderful Flossie Malavialle. She describes herself as as French Geordie. Goodness knows what she will do after Brexit (she is not impressed).

I was amused, entertained and moved by her singing and the choice of her songs. So much so that I decided to come home after her set and not stay for the last concert of the festival.

I must be sure I can go to it all next year (and to remember to unearth the thermals before I go!)

PS One of the musicians saw me in my lovely sheep hat (see my profile page). He mentioned it from the stage. I had to put it on, get on my feet and take a bow! Lots of people want them.

PPS I missed the firing of the trebuchet which was brought forward without warning, so Paul (of Landermason) fired it specially for me. Impressive  piece of kit.

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