From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Oh how I love the country life....

Until I arrive back from my perfect walk to find a lorry with a JCB on it!! I am told we need one!!
I buy handbags Glenn buys machinery, now!!!! Haha I shall capture the said JCB in time for now I'm gonna enjoy the country views.

Not been around on here much lately so much been going on here, trying to tackle boxes that are still unpacked and of course mad max arrived a week ago and has been taking up a lot of my attention, whilst trying to give attention to everyone else. He nearly didn't see the week out and was almost shipped off back to previous owner, but he wormed his way into my heart and a few tips from another springer spaniel owner and I am getting used to his spirited ways and thankfully he is settling down!!!

So thank you for all your hearts, comments you've left and new subs I will hopefully catch up with you all tonight to say a big thank you!!

Happy Sunday all :) x

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