POG's Journal


Spot of gardening…

My Day:
Once up and about I met my mate to help him do some more starting gate practice… he has the national championships next weekend then three weeks later he has the world championships…

Once I left him, I popped into the supermarket to pick up some more sprouts for tonight’s dinner then back home to have a look at some of your photos…

Around 1 PM I went out to the garden and started to tidy it up… The plan was to do it a month or two ago, but I never got to do it so now before the winter arrives and things are not growing is a perfect time to get busy. The weather forecast here in the sunny south of England is good for the next week so I’m going to try and crack on each day.

So, tomorrows first job of the day will be to go the local tip to get dump the grass cutting from today’s efforts, I think I’ll need to make two trips.

Bath, Dinner & TV planned for this evening.
More tomorrow,


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