Blipmeet to pick up Blipbear!

We met gladders ( Paul ), his wife Caroline, and their dog ( Gus ) today in Grasmere. If you haven't seen any of gladders' blips, you are in for a treat!

It was really misty, but we enjoyed our walk up to Easedale Tarn. (just over 2 hours) We chatted away like old friends!

In the blip you can see Gus, Caroline, Ros, and Paul blipping Chloe swimming in Easedale Tarn!

We are now the proud owners of Blipbear for a few days! Then it will be passed on to Marpaul or PaulaJ. (It will soon be on it's way to New Zealand!)

No doubt Ros' and my blips tomorrow will include Blipbear!

To see gladders' blip click here!

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